Information according to § 5 TMG
Lüchow-Schmarsau Railway GmbH
Registered office and postal address:
Lüchow-Schmarsau Railway GmbH
Königsberger Str. 10 (District House)
29439 Lüchow (Wendland)
Office and depot:
Roland-Brandin-Str. 2
29439 Lüchow
Tel: 05841-120 555
Managing Director: Sarah Frahm
Tax number: 32/202/04408
Commercial register number: HRB 120030
Registry court: Lüneburg Local Court HRB 120030
This imprint also applies to the Facebook page and the Instagram page, which can be reached at:
Imprint District Administration
Lüchow-Dannenberg district
Königsberger Street 10
29439 Lüchow (Wendland)
05841 120-0
05841 120-88000
The district of Lüchow-Dannenberg is a public corporation. It is represented by the District Administrator Dagmar Schulz.
Mobility Agency Wendland.Elbe
Registered office and postal address:
Unit 60 Climate Protection & Mobility
Lüchow-Dannenberg district
Königsberger Str. 10 (District House)
29439 Lüchow (Wendland)
The district of Lüchow-Dannenberg is a public corporation.
It is represented by Dagmar Schulz (District Administrator).
Pavilion at the bus station
Amtshof 1
29439 Lüchow
Tel: 05841-120 678
This imprint also applies to the Facebook page and the Instagram page, which can be reached at:
Picture credits
Unless otherwise stated, all images and graphics ©Mobilitätsagentur Wendland. Elbe and LSE GmbH.
94548076 Hipster girl using cell telephone
@ GaudiLab
208875450 Group of happy teen scholars running to school bus after lessons to get home @ ArturVerkhovetskiy
198798064 Selective focus of beautiful girl using smartphone and sitting on bike @ Y-Boychenko
171145768 Business adviser analysing financial with new startup finance pr @ freedomtumz
Portrait of a happy teenage couple showing thumbs up
Adobe Stock:
Photo cargo bike ©Madeline
Photo Bürgermobile: ©ZernienMobil e.V.
Header "Ferries": Corporate Art,
Photos rental bike campaign: ©Rainer Erhard