European Mobility Week 2022
The European Mobility Week is a campaign of the European Commission. Since 2002, it has offered municipalities from all over Europe the perfect opportunity to introduce their citizens to the full range of sustainable mobility on the ground. Every year, from 16 to 22 September, European Mobility Week tries out innovative transport solutions or promotes sustainable mobility in local communities with creative ideas.
We take part in the European Mobility Week and offer a wide variety of actions and events to bring local mobility offers closer.

All actions in detail
Public transport free of charge throughout the district!
On this day, citizens in Lüchow-Dannenberg can use public transport free of charge, for example to travel to the ONW run in Dannenberg.
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.: Special offer 365 € - Ticket & Carsharing at the market place Dannenberg
16:30: Start ONW Run
From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., there will be an information stand of the public transport model project CleverMoWe on Dannenberg's market square. There, citizens will have the opportunity to take out the 365 € ticket subscription directly on the spot and receive a credit of 60 € for the use of the car sharing association as a special promotion, which corresponds to the annual membership fee.
In addition, employees of the district will take part in the ONW run as a team.
Also event note: 7:30 p.m. reading in Groß Heide at the Schulz Inn in the Archive of Unpublished Texts with the texts on the history of the railway in Wendland
10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Special offer 365 € - Ticket & Carsharing at the market place Lüchow
From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., there will be an information stand of the car sharing association and the public transport model project CleverMoWe on Lüchow's market square. There, citizens will have the opportunity to take out the 365 € ticket subscription directly on the spot and receive a credit of 60 € for the use of the car sharing association as a special offer, which corresponds to the annual membership fee. In addition, there is all the information about car sharing.
10 am ADFC bike tour from Hitzacker
On this day, the ADFC organises a bicycle tour through the Elbtalaue.
Info about the bike tour:
Meeting place : Hitzacker car park Bleichwiesen
Date : Saturday 17.9.
Start time : 10:00 am
Route : 42km
Speed : 16km/h
Duration : approx. 3-4 hours
Tour leader: Hartmut Meier (certified ADFC tour guide)
By arrangement, rest at the café in Kaltenhof or in Damnatz, near Steinhagen.
Registration is not necessary.
For questions : or 05844 3670333
11 am ADFC bike tour from Schnega
On this day, the ADFC organises a bicycle tour from Swinmark through the Altmark.
Info about the bike tour:
Meeting point : Schnega Langestr. 8 at the car park near Tante Enso
Date : Sunday the 18.9.
Start time : 11:00 am
Route : approx. 40km
Speed 15km/h
Duration : approx. 3-4 hours
Tour leader: Roland Ließ
They plan to stop at the Lerches ice cream parlour in Dähre.
Registration is not necessary.
For questions : or 05844 3670333
Action in the Hitzacker school district: "The Super Secret Banning Mile" game by the Verkehrswacht for grades 2 -4
Starting signal for the game "Die Supergeheime Bannmeile" (The Super-Secret Banning Mile): Specifically, the game "Die Supergeheime Bannmeile" (The Super-Secret Banning Mile) of the Lower Saxony Road Safety Organisation is played. Children are taught in a playful way how to get to school without taking their parents' taxi. The game runs for a total of 3 weeks. During this period, an additional parent stop will be set up at the outdoor pool car park in Rieselweg.
Action in the Hitzacker school district: LSE bus school for the 1st classes
On this day, the LSE Bus School for primary school classes will take place. This is a bus safety training course for school beginners.
Action in the school district of Hitzacker: bicycle course of the Verkehrswacht for the 3rd classes
A cycling training course for third graders is held in the Hitzacker school district.
10 a.m. - 4 p.m. E-bike test ride at the Kreishaus
On this day, district office employees and citizens can test e-bikes free of charge. Registration is required by e-mail at: Women's, men's and compact bikes as well as a cargo bike are available for hire.
8 a.m. - 12 p.m. A chat with the Höhbeck Mobil and information stand on LüDa Mobil in front of Edeka Hildebrandt in Gartow
To get to know the Höhbeck Mobil, free rides are offered in the Gartow area from Edeka Hildebrandt. At the same time, there will be an information stand of LüDa Mobil in front of Edeka Hildebrandt with information on the topic of citizen mobiles in Lüchow-Dannenberg.
4 p.m. Exchange of experience Höhbeck Mobil with the mayors in front of Edeka Hildebrandt
Together with LüDa Mobil and Höhbeck Mobil as well as various mayors of the SG Gartow, the first experiences of HÖHBECK mobil are to be discussed and how the offer can be extended to all municipalities of the joint municipality of Gartow.