Fahrplanänderungen & Zeugnistag

Angepasste Fahrpläne zum Zeugnistag / Fahrplanänderung zum 5. Februar  Zeugnistag, 31.1.2025 Am diesjährigen Zeugnistag (31. Januar 2025) gibt es angepasst, an die Endzeiten der Schulen (Schulende nach der dritten Stunde), Änderungen in den Fahrplänen und der Schülerbeförderung. Dieses vorgezogene Schulende hat zur Folge, dass reguläre Fahrten mit der Abfahrtzeit nach der 6. Stunde (ca. 13.00…

Sponsoren für das STADTRADELN 2025 gesucht!

Diesmal schon im Frühling: Der Fahrradwettbewerb „Stadtradeln – Radeln für ein gutes Klima“ in Lüchow-Dannenberg und findet in diesem Jahr bereits vom 05. – 25. Mai 2025 statt. Für die Preise, die an die engagiertesten Radlerinnen und Radler vergeben werden sollen, werden derzeit noch Sponsoren gesucht. Bei dem Wettbewerb geht es darum, im dreiwöchigen Aktionszeitraum…

New telephone number for LSE and Wendland OnDemand

From 15 January, LSE GmbH can be reached on a new central service number in order to make it even easier for customers to reach us. LSE's new telephone number for all customer enquiries and on-demand bookings will be 05841 - 120 555. There is the possibility to...

Christmas break in the mobility pavilion

The mobility pavilion at Lüchow bus station will be closed from 23 to 27 December 2024, will open for one day on 30 December and will be closed again on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. From 2 January 2025, the Mobility Agency team will be back to its usual opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 9am to 12pm and 1pm to 3pm,...

Local transport plan 2025 - 2029: citizens are also called upon

The district of Lüchow-Dannenberg is starting the public participation process for the preparation of the new local transport plan (NVP). The new NVP will be valid from 2025 to 2029. Among other things, it will determine how local public transport in the district of Lüchow-Dannenberg is to be organised in the coming years. An initial draft is available and was approved by the district committee in mid-November. In...

Newly adjusted timetables in the Wendland network from 04.11.2024

From 4 November 2024, the bus timetables in the district will once again be adjusted and the changes will affect the entire Wendland network. The new timetables will be available online at www.wendlandmobil.de/fahrplanauskunft from 1 November 2024 (in PDF format). They are already available in the digital timetable information from the Bremen and Lower Saxony Transport Association (VBN) at vbn.de/fahrplaner. There will be major adjustments on the lines...

More mobility from point to point

The "MobilPunkt Wendland" funding project has been launched. Workshops on the project will be held in the three joint municipalities in November. In order to provide people in Wendland with an attractive and broad-based mobility offer, the district will set up new "MobilPunkte" at various local public transport and rail transport hubs (ÖPNV/SPNV). Simple bus stops in the village, for example, can be...

How bike-friendly is Lüchow-Dannenberg? - Vote now in the ADFC Cycling Climate Test 2024!

The survey for the big ADFC Cycling Climate Test 2024 has started: Cyclists from all over Lüchow-Dannenberg are invited to take part in the online survey at www.fkt.adfc.de until 30 November 2024 to rate, for example, the feeling of safety, the width of cycle paths and the accessibility of destinations by bike. This year's main topic is co-operation in traffic. The results...

MOBY DICK as the highlight of this year's European Mobility Week at Lüchow bus station

MOBY DICK as the highlight of this year's European Mobility Week at the Lüchow bus station! This year, the Mobility & Climate Protection Department is once again taking part in the European Mobility Week (EMW) 2024 under the umbrella brand WendlandMobil of the Lüchow-Dannenberg district! Last year, a family was accompanied in the exciting experiment of travelling around the district for a fortnight without...

This year's CITY CYCLING comes to an end - 42 teams competed for 3 weeks

The winners of this year's city cycling competition, which ended on 1 September, have been announced! In total, the 674 participating Lüchow-Dannenberg residents cycled 137,339 kilometres in this year's "City Cycling" competition, saving the atmosphere more than 22.8 tonnes of CO2. "In 2024, we once again had a colourful mix of teams from all corners of the district and from all walks of life...

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